Tummy Binders Post Pregnancy To Lose Belly Fat – Do They Work?


Every mom faces a question; how to get a flat stomach post baby. The jelly belly tummy becomes a major concern for every new mom.

Belly binding or tummy binding is the first step to have a flat tummy whether you had a c -section delivery or vaginal birth. In this post we shall discuss everything about tummy binders post-delivery.

A to Z of tummy binders you ought to know:

Giving birth is an amazing achievement and every mom responds in her own way. Our body has spent months nurturing and growing baby, having baby changes the body.

  • Why tummy in women bulges out even after baby birth?

You may be surprised by the way your tummy looks like, as if you are still pregnant. It takes time for your body and especially your tummy, to fully recover from pregnancy.

As your baby grew during pregnancy, your abdominal muscles are stretched to make room for your baby and to prepare for delivery.

  • What is tummy binding?

This is exactly the question which I asked myself just 2 years back when I gave birth to a cute baby boy.

Being pregnant for the first time I wasn’t even aware that such a thing ever existed. But then I was made aware that you have to bind it if you don’t want your tummy to come out.

Belly band, maternity band or cloth wrap for pregnancy is one of the most essential requisites for a new mom.

  • Why you need to bind your tummy post baby birth or delivery?

During pregnancy and birth the body opens up so much, making room for baby. During this phase, the tummy gets bigger. After delivery, binding helps so that the belly skin does not fall down.

Traditional belly binding serves to giving support to the vertical abdominal muscles and organs, which have undergone much physical change during pregnancy and birth.

  • Can the tummy be reduced post baby?

New mums in particular tend to be concerned about how to lose the stomach fat post pregnancy. It will take time. A combination of exercises and diet will help to re-tone your stomach muscles.

If you’re eating a healthy diet, engaging in regular activity and use a tummy binder/ belly binder, you can get your pre pregnancy body back pretty much easily.

  • What is traditional method of tummy binding?

During pregnancy the uterus is enlarged and the abdominal wall stretched or lengthened. This will normalize but it takes some time.

Traditional method of belly wrapping, belly binding or tummy binding helps to reduce flabby tummy after pregnancy. One of the most common traditional belly binding is the ‘cloth binding technique’ often used for post pregnancy.

  • What is cloth binding?

Cloth binding promises to shrink the belly fat. Cloth wrapping to bind the belly is practiced which helps in blood flow and reducing the belly fat.

In cloth binding, a cotton sari or long cloth is used to wrap the belly and abdomen side in such a way that it helps to tighten the abdomen muscles. This cloth wrapping is continued everyday post bath for a few hours, to prevent the tummy bulge and help uterus get back in shape.

Cloth binding help moms feel more comfortable in certain positions, such as holding the baby while nursing. The binding helps to provide support when bending or walking.

  • What are the advantages of cloth binding? 

# Gives support to the womb after birth

# Speeds up the healing process

# Helps to reduce common back pains and shoulder pains associated with nursing by improving posture

# Helps to tone abdominal muscles

# Excellent support after surgical birth

# Provides comfort

# Makes your tummy skin tight

# Helps to support your back as you balance your post-pregnancy weight

  • How long you need to use the tummy binders on a daily basis?

It takes approximately 6 weeks for your uterus to shrink back to its normal size. An abdominal binder however can speed this process along.

Normally binders can be worn the entire day or it’s up to us the way in which we feel comfortable. Mostly the binders are used for 4-6 weeks after pregnancy.

You can wear an abdominal binder as soon as or within one week for vaginal birth. In case of C section delivery, it is advised to use the binder when the surgery stitch is healed.

Doctors advise to begin tummy binding 2-4 days after vaginal delivery and usually at 6 weeks after a surgical birth(C section).

  • Reducing tummy after C section:

During C section, the stomach muscles/abdominal are cut through to deliver the baby. A few weeks of recovery are necessary to allow the stitches from the surgery to heal.

As for C section anything that requires abdominal muscles is terrifying such as sneezing, coughing, laughing, getting up and out of the bed it hurts so bad. Two big things that concern C-Section moms post pregnancy are pain relief and getting tummy back in shape.

Abdominal binders or tummy wraps offer abdominal support for C-Section by compressing the abdominal tissues to reduce pain, shrink swelling and help you get your shape back sooner.

Finding the right abdominal support after C-Section surgery will reduce your pain, increase your energy and help you feel better.

Apart from the tummy binders fitness program and healthy eating also help in toning stomach muscles. Consultation with the doctor before beginning an exercise program is a must.

Generally after 6 weeks of surgery, it is advisable to begin abdominal exercise to give your body time to heal from the surgery.

My experience of using tummy binders:

We had a maalishwaali or maushi for my post natal care which included tummy binding and body massage. This post pregnancy massage is believed to strengthen the new mother and help her recover.

I used to tie my tummy with cotton sari after bath and massage for 1 month for a couple of hours. It had helped me a lot to reduce pregnancy belly. And yes I can say for sure that my stomach has tightened a bit.

I myself have experienced the benefits of tummy binder though I had a c section delivery. I guess many moms reading this post will relate to me.

  • Are there any other belly fat loss tips?

There are 3 sure shot ways to reduce the belly fat.

Breastfeed: Breastfeeding helps to lose weight after pregnancy, it helps to burn calories. Breastfeeding causes your uterus to go back to its normal size, which makes your tummy appear smaller.

Eat right foods: Eating the right foods will definitely help to lose weight, as well as stomach fat. Processed foods and junk foods will cause gain fat around stomach. Include fruits, veggies and grains in your diet. These foods provide you with lots of nutrients, which will make you healthier and lose baby weight.

Exercise your whole body: Exercise not only helps to reduce belly fat but overall development of the body.  Check with your doctor before engaging in any workout program after giving birth.

Walking is one of the simplest ways to ease into a fitness routine after giving birth; it can do wonders to your body.

If you are looking to reduce the tummy fat post baby, you can also read my weight loss journey and weight loss post C section.


Belly binders or tummy binders helps in bringing the abdominal muscles together. It is something that can only help you and never hurt you. Choose the belly binder that suits you and use it to achieve full benefits.

Further reading:

Hope you liked my post on belly binding and its benefits.

Are you witnessing the same issues with your bulgy jelly belly? Share with me the tummy binding methods you used and whether it was effective or not.

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Geetu Vinod

A Keralite by birth, bought up in Mumbai and now staying at Doha, Geetu is a mother to a 2 year old naughty pie. She believes motherhood is the best thing happened to her.


  1. Hi, I have a 2year old baby. I had a c section. I dint use any belt till now. But my tummy is really loose and sagging. I am takkin some tummy tucking massages now. will any post natal belt help in tightening my tummy now?

  2. I have one dought
    I have 10 months old baby I had normal delivery. My tummy is look like 3months pregnant.any possible my tummy is back.possible kakapothe second delivery tharvatha belt try cheyyocha appudu normal authunda

  3. Hi, I m Shikha from Indore. I have baby girl . she is 3 months old. My tummy & weight is not normal . my weight is 68 kg post pregnancy. I have c sec. What we eat . pls help me

  4. Its been 6 weeks since I delivered my baby boy through c section.. Have purchased maternity belt for tummy reduction.. My question is: how many hours in a day is it required to be worn to see results n for how many months should i wear it?

  5. ihave six months baby ,ihad normal deliveryi .my tummy is look like three months pregnecy pls tell me any advise, binding belt is usefull for me.really get back my shape,pls reply iam worried about this.

  6. Hai ma’am
    Good advisable post for all…may god bless you..
    I delivered a baby boy just 1week ago, normal delivery.. I’m using clothing binding method from the second day Onwards…
    I’m writing here for my mom.. she didn’t wrap her tummy by anything after her delivery though she is having a big tummy now.. My youngest brother is now 11years old.. Will her tummy reduce if she do cloth binding now… Nowadays she tried many belts but she is not feeling comfort by it..
    Please give me advisable reply…

  7. nandege madina on

    I gave birth last year in November and my baby is now five months but i used to tigh my belly do some sit ups but later relaxed now i look like a three months pregnant which diet and solution help me out to get back to my flat tummy.


    HI mam! am rebecca mother of 2 yrs old daughter had c – section, I used tummy belt for 1 month. Then I stopped … now i looks like 5 months pregnant. Is that possible can i reduce my belly now? help me out becoz it looks to be too odd.

  9. I had c section and the nurse advised me to use tummy belt after 6 months.. Now 6th month have started.. Will my tummy reduce if I tie cotton saree now? Pls help me I wanna reduce my tummy.. And also I wanna know whether I can follow your 6 months baby food schedule starting 6th month itself or once 7th month starts? Kindly clarify

  10. Hi
    I am kavitha I had my c section a 10 month ago. My tummy still looking like 6 months. Can I use tummy belt or cloth even now. will it work
    Please help me reduce my tummy as it looks very odd.

  11. Hi Geethu, I am mother of 2 yrs old daughter had c – section, tially I used tummy belt for 1 month. Then I stopped … Can I start using cloth wrapping now? Will it useful? Please reply… I m very much tensed about ths…

  12. Hi Geetu,
    Nice post indeed,I just gave a birth of a baby boy 1week back under c-section,my tummy still looks like 5months pregnant,can I start binding my tummy now or need to heal my stitch first then I should start wrapping??

  13. I have 8 yrs daughter…when she was born i didnot had any idea of wrapping my stomach…now my belly is very big and sunk down…can this wraping belt helps me now ?? If i use it following with good diet and swimming ? Pls. Reply i am depressed

  14. Hi
    Am alagu I had my c section a year ago. My tummy still looking like 7 months career. Can I use tummy belt even now.
    Please help me reduce my tummy.

  15. Hi, i am mother of 18 month old girl baby. as i was not having anyone to take care of me of past delivery. my health condition became very worst. i put on weight as anything and tummy has grown up. Now will this tummy belt helps me to reduce my tummy? as well i have a hernia and galstone problem. i left to feed my baby when she was 7months. now i want to continue to feed her but she is not accepting. Please help me with this issue

    • Presilla, try to feed your baby , if she is not accepting then its fine. Make sure she has formula to meet her nutritional needs along with solids. Consult a doc and get a diet chart from him. Take care of your medications first and then march towards weight loss journey as health is really important. You can use tummy belts now too.

  16. Great post i tried after having a 14 month baby as i did not tie at the time of delevery but to be honest its really helping me out its just 15 days but i can see the deferrece i guess it will take time but it will go as i am too late for it can u sugest any other thing i can do pls

  17. Hello divya,
    Thnks for your comment. .:)
    using a cotton saree to bind the tummy will be better. .
    just wrap it around your abdomen very tight..
    Place one end of the cloth on your side hold and wrap it and tuck the ends.
    I didnt use pins I used to tightly wrap and adjust my bind it won’t come out.
    hope this helps. .

  18. Hi Geetu,
    A very nice post. Can u pls educate me on binding the tummy using a cloth. How do I tie it around my tummy? And how do I fasten it? Using safety pins?

  19. I am not too sure if tummy binders/cloth binders help at all to be honest.
    My OB gyn told me that they are only a temporary solution- the back pain is usually due to labor /epidurals and few months post delivery once the uterus shrinks that should go away on it’s own..sagging skin diminishes over time-
    What would really be effective to tighten the tummy is kegel exercises,regular exercise and watching what you eat…

  20. true that roshni:)
    I too use the belt when I get a back pain..
    glad you liked the article:)
    Thnks for your valuable comment.

  21. Hi…karthika..:-)
    Thanku for your valuable 🙂
    Even I used to remove d belt when I used to feed my lo
    I agree with u it act as good support to the spine.

  22. A well written article geet. It will be very useful for new moms and moms to be

    During my first three months post c-sec at kerala, my chechiyamma used to wrap my tummy with cotton sarees. when back from India, i bought a tummy binder as i am too lazy to wrap the cotton saree. ha ha ha but i hardly used it…only for two days 😉

    I personally suggest saree for stay at home mom and tummy binders for working mom

    ta ta

  23. Pingback: Tummy Binders Post Pregnancy To Lose Belly Fat – Do They Work? | KIDSBLOG.IN

  24. The tummy binder that I used still saves me from back pain at times. Whenever I get a back pain I use the tummy binder and it helps a lot in pain relief as it gives good support to the back. Good post GEETHU.. N useful for new mommies 🙂

  25. Hi Geetu,

    Nice post 🙂

    In my case, I had a C-sec and started using the cloth binder which was given to me from the hospital. It helped to reduce the tummy sagging to a great extend. I used it during the first month. After 3 months, I bought an abdominal binder. But I felt very uncomfortable wearing it while feeding the baby. So I removed it very often and hence did not wear it much. However, I felt that the abdominal binder gives good support to your spine.

  26. Great post Geetu. I wish you had written a couple of months back 🙂 Once i was thru the “6 weeks” (i had a c-sec too) period i was confused what to go for – the cloth or the belly wraps, I must say unfortunately i went for the easier option the belly wraps. My personal experience with these has been real bad, coz 10 month post delivery i still look 4 months pregnant and my skin sags like hell. After buying 4 different types of belly wraps (i experimented with so many since they would loose their elasticity pretty soon) I have realized that nothing binds the post delivery stomach than a cloth. We can adjust it the way we want to and how tight we want to. I ended up spending Rs 5000 on these silly wraps I am not exaggerating at all.

    So for all those who have recently had a baby or are expecting I would recommend going for cloth (saree or long dupatta).

    • Hi. I had c sec on april. Doc advicd me to wear belt after a week bt our family members not allowd me to wear it because of re opening of stitches. Now i m four months postpartum. Can i wear it now? And how many hours can i wear?

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