15 Amazing Ways To Lose Tummy Fat Post Baby



How to lose tummy fat post baby birth ? How to lose that lil pouch on my tummy ? How to tone my tummy ? I look pregnant even after delivery , why ? All these questions arise in every mom’s mind post baby birth. In this post, I am going to share 15 amazing tips and tricks which could help you to tone that family pack 🙂

Our body is designed such as to minimize the energy content and create fat storage for future requirements of our body. So it converts the food consumed and reserves as fat in the areas like midriff , buttocks, hips and thighs for women which has nil or lesser activity. The midsection of our body is best suited for depositing fat as it takes less energy to take it around.

My Tummy Story – Post Baby

Post my delivery , I too had that lil pouch.  I neglected it until one day, when my manager asked me “Uhh you had a C section ? Your tummy has bulged out !!” . It was then a feel of consciousness and shame struck me . I went back home that day and promised that I will get rid of my flab while eating everything I could, at the same time nursing Anshika.

All what I say is from my experience. So feel free to try it out mommas 🙂

1. Breastfeeding Burns !!

Oh yes, don’t worry , breastfeeding burns calories 🙂 !! This is one exercise that doesn’t take much of physical exertion , but helps to burn that fat off your body. Breastfeeding helps a mom to burn about 500 calories a day !! So breastfeeding combined with other small household chores can help you get rid of that family pack 🙂

2. Tummy Bands / Belly Belts

Tummy Bands or Belly Belts help to keep your tummy from bulging out especially in the initial months post delivery . Traditionally a cotton sari is worn tight around the tummy covering the midriff area. But for me , I felt so irritated and uncomfortable whenever I wore it, so post 3- 4 days, I said NO to it . But TRUTH to be said , it works !!

Tummy bands and belly belts of various prices and sizes are available in the market. You can opt for a good quality one. It surely helps here.

3. Early Dinner Wins !!

As moms , we are found running after that naughty toddler or nursing our little munchkin which makes us hell-o-tired by the end of the day. So my first mantra is , make sure you have your last meal of a day within 7.30 PM. Ok , 8 PM is the max 🙂

This helps your body to digest the food properly before your sleep, so that all the calories consumed then is converted to energy and NOT fat !

4. Have Carbs For Dinner (but early)

I am a carbs person, I can’t have an ‘ only protein , no carbs ‘ dinner , so what I do is I have my carbs like rice/whole wheat pasta/ tapioca/roti/fulka/chappati at around 6.30 – 7.00 PM and then round off with dal and other nutritious smaller meals for my dinner. So the intake of small meals give my body enough time to digest properly without adding to the fat content in my tummy area.

According to me, to have a sound sleep post a tiring day, a human being should have carbs for dinner. So don’t skip rice or roti even at night.

I had the habit of having brown rice whenever I felt hungry at night. So gradually it started showing up in my tummy. I have it even now, but has changed the timings (before 8 PM) 🙂

5. Grab That Cuppa Lemon Water or eat a fruit!!

Yes, first thing in the morning after waking up is to have a glass of warm water mixed with juice of half a lemon. It helps to remove the toxins from our body as it interacts with the digestive enzymes.

You should wake up to a real fruit always. If you prefer to have lemon water, have a fruit after 10 to 15 minutes.

6. Short Meals, Happy Meals

Instead of having a mega 3 main meals, break those into 5-6 shorter meals.

Example instead of having 4 rotis with ghee, rice, chicken curry and salads, have a bowl of salads only first. Then have 1 or 2 ghee rotis with a bowl of chicken curry post 3 hours.

7. Yes To Whole Fruits & Vegetables!!

Instead of having juices, try to have whole fruits and veggies. The fibre helps here 🙂

8. Hello Whole Grains !

Whole grains are again rich sources of dietery fibre, helping you to eat less for the next meal

9. Popcorn Minus Butter & Salt = Less Tummy Fat

Yes, going to the movie theatre with that big tub of buttered popcorn is a big NO!! High salt content and butter makes that good healthy popcorn a belly fat booster !! So indulge in salt free / low salted butter free popcorn tub and enjoy your favorite movie 🙂

10. Exercise, Exercise

Indulge in exercises to burn those fat gallons in your body.

Please refrain from toning your abs muscles alone as your body as a whole, should be given proper exercise. Cycling, skipping or even walking for 40 minutes daily helps to burn the unwanted fat from your body.

If you are so fed up with gymming sessions, do enroll for zumba or yoga sessions.

11. P for Processed Foods !!

Stay away from those packaged potato chips be it any flavor. Stay away from bakery products which are made out of maida, the fiberless, bleached, refined and powdered version of wheat .

Best way to say NO to these is NOT buying and storing this in your home. It works for me all the time 🙂

So whenever I am hungry , I have to go for healthy nutritious meas, as there is no stock of processed food packets / instant food packets at home 😛

12. More Oil = More Fat

As a Keralite, I have the habit of using coconut oil or any other oil for cooking in excess. So to control that bad habit, I replaced the large nozzle cap of oil bottles with small ones. So whenever I use those, I get a limited amount of oil, keeping my cooking oil usage under check. You can also use a teaspoon if you don’t want to spend on small nozzled bottles

Keep in mind that you should use ghee and oil everyday in your cooking, but do not over use it in the form of deep frying every day.

13. Water , Water everywhere !!

Yes, drink water until your urine turns clear. But not in a single go, it will make your tummy to bloat even more. So make it a point to have a glass of water every 2 hours.

At my office, I make it a point to finish my 2 water bottles a day thereby helping me to know my water intake on an everyday basis.

You can also indulge in juices / butter milk / coconut water for adequate hydration.

14. Beauty Sleep

Now this is a bit difficult for moms especially new moms . Less sleep leads to cortisol hormones imbalance , leading to deposition of tummy fat.

My funda is sleep whenever you can 🙂

15. Get Inspired

Now this is the most important , and easy peasy one !!

Simple, switch on the TV and watch any movie or Bollywood song. The heroines inspire me, I think of the strict diet regimes , exercises and the sacrifices they have made to look and feel good . After watching a song or two , I am fully inspired , BANG ON !!

Track Pants and Sports Shoes On !! Bhaag Momma Bhaag !! :):)

Do share with me your tips and tricks to lose tummy fat 🙂

Sangeetha Menon

Sangeetha loves balancing her personal and professional life. These days, the major chunk of her time is spent on listening to 'how to beat the Piggy from robloks'; thanks to her 8 year old daughter.


  1. Hi
    Am seetha..i have a girl baby who is 4 years now. I look slim,but the thing is I look like a pregnant women since my tummy is too big…can i wrap my tummy with belt.a also is it advisable to wear belt and go for a brisk walk..plz answer me ,mam…i feel so down when I look at my tummy

  2. I am Madhavi. My daughter is 7years old. After pregnancy I didn’t take precautions. Mine is normal delivery and I didn’t wrap a cotton saree. Now from last 3months onwards my tummy is increasing. I want reduce my tummy. I want a flat tummy. Can you please give me suggestions how to reduce it.

  3. I had 2sections one in 2011 and the other in 2015 but now I have a bulgy stomach…like belly pouch ..can I wear abdominal belt now..

  4. Hai sangeetha. I have delivers a baby before 2yr 3months it’s operation delivery and still I have pouch stomach and all will ask me how many months pregnent ur Kat k m seriously fed us with dis question can u help me out.. ……tanx in advanced

  5. Hi sangeetha. First thing I simply love your all post. And I must say you are doing a great job by writing such useful and effective post. Keep it up and all the best super Momma:)

  6. Hi
    So many members tell me postporum belly is never change in life is it true madam I can not speak in English only read
    Pls tell me mam postpartum belly is removed offer second pregnency

  7. Hi
    I have 11months baby with normal delivery
    My stamuch is look like 4months pregnant any chance it is removed with belt another doubt it is possible remove offer second pregnency

  8. Sangeeta my baby is 2 and half month old and my tummy looks like 6 month pregnant can I use sarree and reduce the tummy plz help

  9. Hi sangeeta

    I have completed 2 months post delivery.. due to some issues I never wore belt or followed any indian customs to loose weight.. I always feel guilty about not able to heat body and tie saree after delivery.
    I have heard if post delivery if body is not heated moms will.face back pain in long run.. its scares me a lot.. please provide ur valuable suggestions…thanks

  10. Hi sangitha..
    Myself devi from hyderabad-india
    My baby is 10months old now, i had a c section. After delivery didn’t used any belt r clother to wrap my belly.Now can I use belt to reduce my belly. If so which bran can I use.
    Could u plz help me ,still my stomach looks like 6months pregnant.

  11. My baby is 1yr9m I m still having my pouch…:( my tummy looks like 6m pregnant. ..still can I try for reducing my tummy..I am hopeless please help me…..tnx n advance 🙂

    • Mohana Priya S on

      I m having 4 month baby. For me same issue..my tummy like 6month carrying… Can I use tummy belt now or not?.. If I used means tummy reduce or not

  12. Hi sangeeta,

    I have tummy fat…I am working women just complete 1yr of marriage….we are not planning for baby right now…but still I am having tummy fat…what should I do to reduce it @the initial stage.??

  13. Hi Sangeetha,
    My baby is one year and 6 months now. Mine is Normal delivery. Still i couldn’t reduce my belly. Will the belt helps now! with a walking daily for an hour.

  14. My baby is now 1 year and 6 months my belly has not reduced.Mine is normal delivery. Any tips here?? 🙁 what should i do to lost that so soon. Will the belt helps now too? Please help.

  15. Hi my baby is of 2months. I had a vaginal delivery. There is lot of fat around my waist and belly. How can I reduce it…and will binding tummy after 2months of delivery will really help..plz reply fast iam very stressed

  16. Hi sageetha, my boy is now 8 months n i had a vaginal delivery. My periods is nt back. Iam havin lil spotting for d last 2days. Is it normal?? Im worried.. i bf him exclusively 6months. Is der any1 els wid sam pbm? And also my tummy stil luks lik 5month pregnant.. can wrapping a saree wil stil be useful? Pls reply.. thx in advanc..

      • Thx sangeetha.. it seems my auntflow is back.. i got my periods back..so i can wrap a saree now also to reduce my tummy isn’t it? I mean 8 months of post delivery.. btw u r doing an amazing work. Goodluck dear…

  17. Thanks for dis wonder ful tips.I am really worried about my tummy.I lost my baby weigh vry easily but dam difficult to flatten my tummy.can I wear slimming belt now as my baby is one yr old.wil it help .

  18. I am 36 weeks pregnant and was already wondering about the ways to lose the extra pounds once I deliver. This post really helps as I can already prepare and try to have a good healthy routine soon enough.

  19. Hi sangeetha ive a doubt..can the tummy belt be worn even after twenty days of delivery. Will it help?? Or we should wear the belt immediately in one or two days after delivery. ..how long should we wear? ?

  20. Pingback: Agewise Height and Weight Chart for Babies IBumps n Baby

  21. I would add one more to this list. That is to get yourself checked with the doctor. Sometimes the hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy and otherwise can make it difficult to lose flab especially tummy fat. As someone who is dealing with PCOD I know how difficult it is lose weight despite doing exercise, dieting, eating early and all , sometimes you need a doctor’s help.

  22. This is amazingly helpful. I would suggest small meals at regular intervals is the best way to loose weight. And also my grandma use to say that a big lunch followed by afternoon naps contribute towards a large belly. Don’t know how true it is……

      • Hi Sangeetha,
        Really great tips. Thanks for the info.. I have a doubt.. If I finish my dinner at 8 pm then I m feeling hungry around 11.. Bcoz my daughter will sleep around only by 11:30/or 12. So wat to do?

  23. Sangeetha, This is so cool. I never had the fab genes so weight has always been a sticky issue. 2 years after the baby, I feel like a ball of fat that has done nothing to control it. But I am shaking up things in my life now and planning to flatten the flab. This helps! 🙂

  24. This is such a useful post with very sensible advice!! I have dinner really late (almost 9:00) and I think it’s showing on my tummy!! Time to prepone dinner time 🙂

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