Organic Foods from 24 Mantra for Your Family


We had been thinking of organic foods for a while now. As Anshika turned one and started eating everything as we do, we thought the transformation should gear up . Jaishri of Mommyswall had posted about organic foods from 24 letter mantra. This inspired me to take our first step into the world of organic foods. So this post is my haul on organic foods from 24 mantra !

What is Organic ? (From 24 mantra’s official website )

Organic is a way, a habit and a practice all rolled into one. It refers to a way of growing and processing food. It is also about the reliance on an ecological system that sustains itself on rich soil and proven traditional practices to grow crop and food that resists pests and diseases. Organic also means, the farmers don’t use toxic, persistent pesticides, fertilizers which are known to contaminate soil, air, water and the food. In fact, organic farmers and farming involves practices of rotating crops, deploying beneficial insects, using locally honed methods, adding composted manure and plant wastes to the soil.

Organic farmers are environmentally friendly. They choose solutions to the pests and disease problems that affect their crops in a way that does not damage and destroy the planet. Their wisdom is proven so are their practices.

What we bought ?

We bought ragi flour and jaggery powder for Anshika , ideal for her porridges . Whole green gram, masoor dal and split yellow moong dal were also bought. I will post reviews on each of these products in the coming weeks.

PRICE : Higher than the usual packaged lentils and flours as I don’t remember the exact price. Will write everything in the upcoming reviews.

AVAILABILITY : I believe these are available in almost all super markets and online too .

Have you thought about organic foods for you and your baby ? Have you bought organic foods from 24 mantra ?

Sangeetha Menon

Sangeetha loves balancing her personal and professional life. These days, the major chunk of her time is spent on listening to 'how to beat the Piggy from robloks'; thanks to her 8 year old daughter.


  1. Hi Sangeeta….. I m a mom of 2yr old n would like to go for organic foods… Would like to know if 24mantra products are really organic and safe as they claim..
    A suggestion from you would be appreciated… Thanks

  2. Dear Sangeetha,

    I happened to stop at your blog browsing for the baby reipes for my LO. The other day I came across an organic shop near my house and have planned to visit it soon, it is none other than 24 mantra franchisee in Bangalore.. 🙂

    • Woah that\’s such a coincidence na ? Great .. Try it its great 🙂 Being organic is the best way we can have .. Thanks alot for commenting here and Welcome to Bumps n Baby. Do try the recipes and lemme know how your lil munchkin responds 🙂

  3. Reena Anu Koshy on

    Hi Sangeeta,
    Good you went organic. I wish I had the same facility here. I surely would have gone for it. I tried your dal khichdi recipe for my little Joanne yesterday, she loved it. Thanks for the recipe and do post more whenever time allows like the soups etc and anything fit for one year olds..Have a nice day. Reena

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