Ask Me – Response Part 1


Today’s post is dedicated to all of you yes my lovely readers. First of all a big SORRY , sorry for not getting back to you with answers from the section “Ask Me”. I believe there was an error due to which I was unable to access the folder. Yesterday when I fixed the bug, I could see many queries from you all , I felt real bad as the mails had come in right from the month of November 2013 🙁

A sincere apology to those who awaited my reply and even managed to tell me “you haven’t responded to my question, Sangeetha “. I will be publishing the questions plus answers in two/ three posts , so that I could include all the queries together. Hope it is fine with you. Yes one more thing , ASK ME section is back in full swing now , I will get back to you within a day for sure. Ok question time !!

  • I am an IT professional with a 9 months old baby girl. Would like to know about the skin care creams and/or emollients – home-made or branded that you used to take care of your baby’s skin during her first year.

Hi dear , hope your angel is fine. For Anshika I use Chicco baby moments rich creme as her skin is superdry. It contains oils rich in Omega 3 and Vitamin E . If you are going for any baby product , please read the label and see if its free from parabens and silica components.

  •  My lo is 8 now, I am giving her all breakfast items what we eat except rotis..,lunch I am giving her rice with dal or fish or egg or khichidi sometimes..for dinner earlier I used to give cerelac…but now I don’t want to give…should I give rice again for dinner…Give me some dinner recipes where her bump should fill.

You can opt rice for dinner as its heavy and will provide a very good sleep because of the carbs in it. Please refer to our various baby food recipes to get an idea. Any questions, shout out to me please.

  •  Could you point me to all the best recipes that I can feed my daughter to help her gain weight? I’m not too worried about her weight because she is happy and healthy, but the rest of the family is. Also her doc has asked that she gain at least 1- 1 1/2 kg in the next 3 months (1 year old checkup). Also, do you have any tips that can help her sleep through the night? She still wakes up twice at night to feed. I’m wondering if that is because she isn’t having enough or the right kind of food for her age.

As you said people are obsessed with chubby cheeked amul babies. But having a smart and active baby is always better than an inactive , dollopy baby as there are risks of diabetes and heart problems for such over weight babies in future according to medical science. Please don’t worry about weight if she is happy,active and playful.

To increase weight , add high calorie foods in your LO’s diet like Kerala banana, ragi porridge with whole cream milk , avocado , eggs etc. You can read more about these here and here. To make my daughter sleep throughout the night , I give her a heavy dinner and cut off all the disturbances at night in terms of light, sound etc.You can read about it here. Have you started weaning now ?

As per my ped, babies get up at night for comfort or coziness and not because of hunger if provided a heavy dinner. Hope its the same case with you too. You can read more about it here.

  • Can I get the proportion for banana and ragi porridge? Usually I take 1 tbspoon banana powder n 150 to 175ml water. Is it ok?

Its simple , take 2 tbsp of banana / ragi / or any powder . Dissolve it in 1/2 cup milk or water completely. If you feel the water / milk has dried up , then keep on stirring adding extra water/milk as required. If your baby is ready to accept more than the given quantity , increase the tbsps to 3 or 4 gradually. You can read more about it here.

  • Instead of raw banana powder can I use raw fresh banana? Avocado is it an easy digestive food ?

Absolutely !! fresh raw banana is equally good as raw banana powder. Avocados are the most easily digestible source of proteins and fat in the form of whole food.

Hope you liked the readers questions part 1 . Will continue the rest of the queries with answers in the upcoming posts. Happy weekend !! 🙂

Sangeetha Menon

Sangeetha loves balancing her personal and professional life. These days, the major chunk of her time is spent on listening to 'how to beat the Piggy from robloks'; thanks to her 8 year old daughter.


  1. Pingback: Ask Me – Response Part 2 IBumps n Baby

  2. Hii
    After pureeing a batch of food, I take some for that day and keep the rest in small containers and deep freeze it(in the freezer section of the refridgerator). Every time you want, take one container at a time, thaw it and feed the baby. But always make sure to discard the food once thawed. This way you can save food. This way you can stop worrying about pureeing in small quantities. Also, the frozen food stays good for almost 2 weeks.

    Hope this helps @ Deergha


  3. Hi Sangeetha,

    I have been following your blog for quite sometime and I must say that you are doing a great job!

    My question is – How do you puree/blend/grind small quantities of food? I too make my baby food fresh daily, but have difficulty making purees of such as small quantity.

    Also, what do you send as snacks or finger food to your baby in her day care?


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