6 Energy Boosters for New Moms


Motherhood is not easy. Post baby birth , a mother is emotionally and physically drained out of energy. Plus the frequent nursing , sleeplessness , stress , strain , up and down hormones the picture is very bad. At the end of the day after the pooping-feeding-burping cycle you just wish to relax. But since the baby stays awake and plays even in the wee hours , even your sleep goes for a toss. All these take a great toll on your health as well as your emotions. You feel tired and exhausted all the time . Here are the 6 energy boosters for new moms .


Feeding a baby requires a lot of energy. As a new mom you should have a proper balanced meal . Regular healthy snacks can also be included. Please don’t worry about calories or diets soon after baby birth. Just sit back and enjoy the meals. Make sure no meals are skipped by you which could leave you moody and irritated


Hydration is a must requirement here. Hydrate as and when you can . Have juice , milk shakes or even plain water every 1 or 2 hours. If you are a breastfeeding mom, it will help your body to produce the breast milk required for your baby.


A new mother will be at the peak of stress post baby mainly due to sleeplessness. Seek help of someone to take care of your baby while you sleep for sometime . Keep a maid or ask for help from your family when needed


Always opt for healthy snacks rather than indulging in heavy oily ones which could leave you with heart burns and indigestion. Nuts , fruits , steamed veggies are all healthy snacking options which could help you clear your bowels too


Ideally post 6 or 7 weeks of baby , a mom can start regular walks . Try to speak to your gyno about your health and the light exercises you could start with.

Take plenty of bed rest. Your body will take time to get back to the pre pregnancy form , so take as much rest as you can.


Even though you don’t have time to indulge in beauty treatments , seek someone’s help in combing your hair or massaging your body during bath. Always take a mee mee time. Handover your baby to someone like your mom or maid for a short period of time while you can indulge in your favorite food / catch up with your favorite TV show.

Gradually you can have mee mee times in terms of reading books / spending time for self grooming in beauty parlor/ meet friends when you have someone to take care of your baby. You can even have an outing with your baby and hubby post 2-3 months once your stitches are healed and strength is regained.

so momma which is your favorite way of boosting up your energy ?

Sangeetha Menon

Sangeetha loves balancing her personal and professional life. These days, the major chunk of her time is spent on listening to 'how to beat the Piggy from robloks'; thanks to her 8 year old daughter.


  1. Pingback: 6 Steps to Be a More Energetic Mom | afullcupofthisnthat

  2. Found ur blog when I was googling dal ka pani.. Wow!! I am glad I found this blog.. very useful information here ..:) being a new mother its a very useful website ..

  3. So true..As a mother of 7 month old baby girl and a Working professional I crave for some good “me time”. Anything from listening to 1-2 good songs or watching tv for half an hour just relaxes me.

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