Planning for Your Baby’s First Day Out – Here’s The Checklist


Remember the days before you became a mom? When you would make plans in a jiffy to head outside… Ahh! Those days! But now that you are a mom, things are different and every trip involves strategizing, and careful execution which also includes planning for your baby’s first day out.

When I took my baby out for the first time, I was worried about not having enough to tend to the needs of my child. The result was an extremely bulky diaper bag. Sure, I was armed to handle every crisis imaginable (I am not kidding). But that trip left me extremely sore. Handling a small baby and a diaper bag isn’t too easy.

That made me realize that I had to be practical and carry only essentials (3 sets of change is not required for a 1-hour trip!) and thus this checklist was born.

This will cater to the needs of your little one and also yours.

Checklist for baby’s day out

#1. Feeding

The most important part! Make sure you carry their feeding essentials. Now, this can be divided into two – Breastfed and bottle-fed.

  • Breastfed -If your child is breastfed, then you need to carry something to cover yourself while you feed the child.
  • Bottle-fed- For bottle-fed babies, you need to carry the following

o Clean bottles (1 or 2 depending on the duration of the trip)

o Clean water

o Formula in a formula dispenser

o A packet/ bottle of formula (for trips that require you to stay overnight or more)

  • Burp cloths – Irrespective of whether the baby is breastfed or not, you need to carry 1-2 burp cloths to catch any spit ups.

For older kids who have started having semi-solids and solids

  • Snacks
  • Food (if you will be out during their mealtime)
  • Water – it’s better to carry water from home than rely on water from outside.
  • Bib

#2. Diapers

This is something that you can’t do without. Whether you use disposables or washable ones is up to you. Along with diapers there are certain other things that you need to carry. Let us look at all you would need to ensure you don’t end up in any stinky situation.

  • Diapers – (I used to take one for every two hours when she was a baby, once she became four months old, I took one for every 4 hours. You know your baby best, so calculate according to your baby’s needs)
  • Diaper changing mat – Serves dual purposes as it prevents your baby’s gentle skin from coming in contact with germ-laden surfaces and also protects surfaces from an extremely messy bottom. (Our car seat has been saved countless times by our changing mat!)
  • Diaper rash cream – Long hours in diapers can be harsh on your baby’s skin. Prevent rashes with this.
  • A sealable bag – To stash used diapers so that you don’t litter. You can also use it to store dirty washable diapers till you reach home.

For older kids

  • Portable toilet seat

#3. Sleep

Your little one may doze off while you travel.

Blanket – A small blanket can keep your baby cozy while he/she sleeps.

#4. Sun protection

Early morning sun is said to be beneficial for us. But most of the time we have to be outside even after that. So make sure you carry sun protection gear to protect your baby’s skin and eyes from the harsh rays.

  • Sunscreen – Just like you, even your baby needs it!
  • A cap/hat- This will shield the baby’s eyes from the sun rays.

#5. Mosquito repellents

Every mother is worried about their baby getting bitten by mosquitoes while going out. An outdoor repellent is a must before you take your baby out to keep your baby safe from diseases like Dengue and Chikungunya!

  • Mosquito repellent

You can use the Good knight fabric roll on. It is the easiest way to keep your baby protected. Hook it on to your baby bag and take it anywhere you go with your baby. If you are taking your baby out in a pram, then apply 4 dots on the corners of the pram. It is 100% natural, does a fab job of keeping mosquitoes away and you don’t have to apply it on the skin – WIN-WIN!

#6. Sanitizer

This is something that you should store in your baby bag. A small bottle of sanitizer will come in handy especially if you are out to attend a wedding or going to the hospital for shots. This is because, your baby will come in contact with a lot of people (and germs).

#7. Muslin cloth

A muslin cloth is a good thing to have in your baby’s diaper bag because it can be used as a swaddling cloth, blanket or even a cover for you while you feed. Saves space too!

#8. Baby lotion

If you are travelling by car, the ac can dry out your little one’s skin. Carry a small bottle of lotion to keep the skin hydrated. This is required only for longer trips. A one hour trip doesn’t really require this.

#9. Entertainment

Based on the age of your child, carry something to keep him/her occupied.

A rattle/ teether, a small soft toy, a book are some of the things you can carry. You can carry something for yourself too. I carry a book.

#10. Miniature first aid kit

To tackle all the boo-hoos and ouchies.

A few band-aids, cotton, gauze, and medicines should work.

#11. Change of clothes

Trust me, you will need this.

  • Carry a spare change of clothes for your little one. 2 for small kids and 1 set for toddlers should work.
  • A plastic bag -This is for soiled clothes and burp cloths.

#12. Medical records

This one is only for trips to the doctor and vacations.

#13. Wet wipes

I left the best for the last. This is something that I swear by. Messy bottoms to spills – this can handle everything. Carry a small pack though, a big one can prove to be bulky. Most brands have travel packs available.

So that’s what helped me, hope it helps you too! May your baby’s day out be a great and memorable trip!

Sangeetha Menon

Sangeetha loves balancing her personal and professional life. These days, the major chunk of her time is spent on listening to 'how to beat the Piggy from robloks'; thanks to her 8 year old daughter.

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