This Mom’s New Year Resolutions !!


Heyy How are you doing ? Hope everyone is lazy like me these days with winter at its peak. I am enjoying to the core with my favourite Sambar , Fish curry and other Amma’s signature dishes at home. Anshika is pampered , I am surprised that even now she has some bangles in her right hand that she has not taken off yet. I hope that she has started falling in love with her girly avatar .

Amma is fine , though she finds the winter unbearable here. Has cold and cough now and is taking medications .

Are you a resolution type person ? Like the one who takes resolution and sticks on to it no matter what ? I AM NOT !! I don’t remember any resolutions taken by me in the past years. But this year with my Bumps n Baby I wish to have resolutions. Want to know what all ?

1. Will always treasure my parents especially Amma

As the youngest of 3 children, that too a girl , I was pampered to the core and grew up as a spoilt brat in every way . So I never realized the value of certain relationships , especially my Amma’s. Its said “ you know how a mother feels , after you become one !! ”.. So true in my case. I hope it’s the same with you too. I had been taking my Amma for granted these many 26 years of my life . Even last time when I went to Kerala , I had a spat with her and hurt her verbally. Though I said SORRY later , I know that the wounds in her heart still is unhealed . And do you know how it feels for me ? Pathetic!! I cried a lot and apologized for what I did, but realized Amma’s heart is so fragile , I never cared for it all these years.

So this time , when Amma was about to come , I thought of saying sorry directly to her. Mom being a Mom, she is always ready to forgive. My heart sank, my throat dried up when I saw tears in my mom’s eyes. It would be the same reaction I would have when my daughter turns up like me in future , isn’t ?

So first resolution is that I will never take my Amma for granted , will always make sure that I don’t hurt her in any way.

2. Habit of Reading Books

I am not an avid reader though I can’t stop reading Bollywood gupshups. I need to read good books , that’s my second resolution

3. Personal Grooming / Care

Before motherhood, I was very particular about my personal grooming. Post baby, it all went upside down. Even now I look like a zombie . I will take care of my personal grooming

4. Reduce the usage of plastic

Seriously , I have to think about that too. I have to get rid of all that plastic covers and start on ONLY cloth / jute bags be it for shopping / grocery

5. My efforts for Bumps n Baby

Bumps n Baby will remain as one of my top priorities in my life forever. Would work hard on blogging

All these are my New Year resolutions . How about you ? Do share with us in comments.

Sangeetha Menon

Sangeetha loves balancing her personal and professional life. These days, the major chunk of her time is spent on listening to 'how to beat the Piggy from robloks'; thanks to her 8 year old daughter.


  1. Hi…im a mom of 12th month old baby..recently she got throat infection with 101 fever for 2days .. i gave ibuprufin consultg doctor and now i see small reddish prickly heat like.. on her neck around ..its worrying me n i feel still she doesnt like to eat food.. n tongue is white layered .plz reply if any idea. Thank you.. im following your blog as im away from motherland India.
    Really hats off to you for such a good work n help to others..Good Wishes.

  2. Wow Sangeeta…awesome list of resolutions…i loved the first one of not taking your amma for granted…can totally relate to it…it has always been my resolution too….mothers are priceless 🙂 Grooming up is on my list too! Let us hope we all fulfill our resolutions! Wishing you the best of 2014! Cheers!

  3. Loved reading your post and I could relate myself with those feeling too…. I wonder if all Keralites love that sambar with fish combo. Being a mallu, sambar and fish fry is my forte too 🙂

    And about the resolution part, I second that zombie avatar fix… lol! I only feel motivated to do so if I’m going on a shopping spree. I am not really good in keeping up with my resolutions. Though, I did make it with getting my driver’s licence n start driving last year…( that has been my new resolution for sooo many years!!!)

  4. Hi Sangeetha,
    New Year Wishes to you!!!
    I loved all your New Year Resolutions, infact, they so much match with my resolutions too though I haven’t put anything in writing. I have to stay at mother’s place due to my job and there are several times that we have this verbal spats and I oversay many things which I regret later on. I have to be careful with my spiteful tongue this year.
    I was an avid reader once upon a time, post delivery I hardly got time but now that my little Jianna is a year old, I have to get hold of some good stuff. Even I have neglected so much of my looks that I have to buckle up this year. My last resolution is to religiously follow what I have resolved 🙂 🙂

  5. Great resolutions all of them Sangeetha! Yeah that’s the irony of motherhood. You understand the pain you gave your mother only when you become one. But thankfully we can do something about it now. But I am confused, what winters are you talking about? I thought you lived in Mumbai right? Come here to Delhi and you will know what freezing cold is. 🙂

  6. SeasontheRecipe on

    Loved your post. I know we take moms for granted.. Very true in my case too. ” you know how a mother feels , after you become one !! ” this one my mom also used to say .. and now i know … I too dont wanna hurt my mom in any ways…

    Thanks for sharing the post

  7. yamuna balamurugan on

    really good sangee , evev i behave same like to my mom , but havent thought of asking sorry will ask one fine day , evev i use to fight wit her for small small reason.

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