Is it Safe to Paint your Home while you are Pregnant?


Is it safe to paint your home during pregnancy?

What are the dos and don’ts to consider while getting your house renovated?

Will the paints and fumes affect the foetus?

What are the risks associated with paints for a pregnant woman?

Let’s discuss in detail here in this post.

Always use child-friendly Paint when you are expecting a baby

Welcoming a new born is a very special moment for the entire family.

Every function and event in the household revolves around the due date of the pregnant woman. A lot of preparations are made much ahead of the delivery of the pregnant woman.

Painting and renovation of the house count as the important things done by family to provide a hygienic environment to the baby.

But how about the risks and safety measures associated with paints during pregnancy? Read on.

8 Safety precautions for painting during pregnancy:

a wall being painted with antibacterial paint

Though the modern household paints are safe, we must be cautious when it comes to painting your home during pregnancy.

1. Move out for a specific period

As mentioned above, the paints nowadays are mostly non-hazardous.

However if the house to be renovated is more than 30 years old, it’s best not to be around during the stripping of old paint works as they may contain traces of lead. You can shift to another place till the renovation work is over.

Try not to paint during the first trimester.

2. Smart assessment of the scope of painting

Make a smart calculation based on your due date and time period of the renovation works. This can also help in planning the last minute renovation extensions if required.

3. Choose your paints wisely

Most paints contain petroleum based chemicals which can cause health problems. Stay away from solvent based paints and stick to water based paints for your home. Avoid spray paints that contain toluene.

Stick to zero or low VOC labelled paints.

4. Cover your skin

Even though you are not the one painting the house, make sure you protect your skin by using face masks, protective gloves, tops and goggles.

5. No eating and drinking in the painted rooms

Make sure that you refrain from eating and drinking in the same room where painting is being done to avoid contamination. Stay as far as possible and keep the edible items always closed.

6. Non usage of freshly painted rooms

Even after painting is done, a pregnant woman should avoid freshly painted rooms for a week.

7. Ensure plenty ventilation

Make sure the painting is done during sunny days. Ensure plenty of ventilation by opening all windows and doors to remove the fresh paint smell.

8. Proper wash up routine post painting

Take a proper bath and hair wash every single day after the painting work is done to wash off any accumulation of paint particles on your body.


Is it really safe to paint while pregnant? Yes!

Here’s the safest way to do it, opt for the right choice. Though there are numerous brands in the market, but Asian Paint Royale Health Shield stands out with its unique features

  • First paint in India with Silver Ion Technology as recommended* by the Indian Medical Association
  • Kills 99%# of infection causing bacteria on painted surfaces within 2 hours of exposure. These bacteria can usually cause respiratory and skin infections
  • Neutralizes Formaldehyde which is a common source of Indoor Air Pollution
  • Provides luxurious finish and a good shine to your walls
  • Has Teflon surface protector which enables easy cleaning of toughest household stains

Looking at all the features above, Asian Paints Royale Health Shield will be my choice for painting the house.

Let me know in comments what all painting precautions you took other than the ones mentioned in this article during your pregnancy.

#Royale Health Shield with Silver Ion technology, within 2 hours of exposure kills 99% bacteria on walls.

*Fomite Infections (bacteria) can spread through infected walls among other indoor surfaces in homes and offices

For complete disclaimer and more information, please visit

Sangeetha Menon

Sangeetha loves balancing her personal and professional life. These days, the major chunk of her time is spent on listening to 'how to beat the Piggy from robloks'; thanks to her 8 year old daughter.

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