10 Benefits of Having a Baby Only a Mother Can Tell You


When most of my friends were still enjoying spinsterhood and having a jolly good time, I was a wife at 23 and a Momma at the age of 25. Now my daughter is going to be 2 years old next month and I am already the Agony Aunt for my peers, believe me I can’t be more happy.

This post is about the 10 benefits of having a baby as a mother I can tell you.

It is now that I am enjoying the best phase of my life! A baby in the family is a Gift from God and changes you completely.

Having a Baby is a Blessing in Itself:

There are several couples in my friends’ circle who are delaying just because they are not ready to shoulder the added responsibility, they don’t want to sacrifice their nights of undisturbed sleep, they believe that after having a baby they won’t have a life of their own so on and so forth.

Why don’t they understand the more the age, the tougher it gets to balance out physical and psychological concerns? All the responsibilities are actually a blessing in disguise!

Here comes the top string of benefits of having a baby as a mother I can share with you.

#1. Milestones and Happiness:

We start smiling more often.

Especially in the year of firsts – the first roll over, the first teeth, the first smiles, the first crawls, the first steps, the first words, the first calls so as they grow older and with their every milestone achieved with age there is a lot of happiness in the family.

Can anything replace this divine joy?

#2. Health tops the charts:

We would never want our kids gorging on junk or fast food and eventually have a weak immune system making them prone to deadly diseases.

Now there goes this popular line “Actions speak louder than Words”, we start having a healthy routine ourselves and set a good example for them to follow.

Aren’t we brightening towards a healthy tomorrow?

#3. You value yourself:

Being a parent myself, I have started getting respect from the society at large as well as my baby. This has changed my perspective towards myself and I value my existence much more than I did in the past. Our creator cannot be happier.

Bible says, “If you insult yourself, you are insulting God who made you”.

Now don’t you think, it is a wonderful feeling?

#4. Parenthood is the best teacher:

The day I conceived; my life changed. It changed even more when my baby was born.

I don’t think I have learned this far even in my school and college days than I have learned after entering motherhood.

Each and every single day is a new day for me. Discovering, exploring and learning – my little one teaches me in so many ways.

I am more disciplined now, I follow a correct time-table, I cook and eat at proper times, I spend wisely, I save for future contingencies, I use less of slangs in fact it has come down to NIL, I watch my actions and deeds, I think before I speak and I have learnt the art of time-management.

In course of time, I am sure I will keep learning ample of things ahead.

What do you think?

#5. Generosity blooms:

Remember the days when we kept the best for ourselves?

Times and Tides have changed, come parenthood, we become more charitable and save the best for our family especially for the little ones.

Won’t you call this trait sweetness overloaded?

#6. You reminisce your childhood:

Parents get to re-live their childhood along with their children. Wondering how?

You watch a lot of cartoons, you play games, you tell stories, you get to mingle with other children, you get to use a lot of baby-kids products, you go to a lot of birthday parties, you go to a lot of parks, zoos and gardens, you get to read all the children’s books.. Phew seems an endless list!

Don’t you call this times coming back?

#7. Sensitivity develops:

Parenthood comes with a lot of character change, out of which sensitivity comes first. This is an important trait without which no parent can exist.

Sensitivity towards others’ pain, sorrow, circumstances and situations make you a wholesome individual.

We start responding to a child’s cry, to a mother beggar with a hungry child, offering comfort to the childless and even amongst our circle we readily assist in taking care of our neighbor’s children or otherwise supporting our near and dear ones in any way possible.

#8. Love paints your life:

The love and affection you get from your children cannot equal anything in line. Of course, there are heated sessions in the family but that doesn’t outrun LOVE, which is never conditional.

The “I Love You’s”, the “Hugs”, the “Kisses”, the “funny times” covers and makes-up for all the quarrels!

#9. Stress busters:

In the age of tension, worries, depression children at home are the best naturopathy treatments.

You will definitely see how your cynicism and natural defenses melt away and you find yourself rejuvenated. Their smiles and chuckles of laughter ease out your worries and relax you to a baby sleep.

#10. You are entitled to a lot of goodies:

Whenever my friends or relatives visit my place, they never come empty handed.

There is always a packet of goodies for my little one and since I teach giving and sharing, I am rightly entitled to gorge on the yummilicious-delicious chocolates, cookies or whatever enters our premises and don’t you call that being free mein “oye lucky, lucky oye”?

Well these are the 10 benefits of having a baby motherhood taught me!

Do share with me in comments what is that greatest joy of having a baby you felt as a parent?

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Anjana Jins

Mommy to a one year old baby girl, who juggles between work, home and not to forget the shuttling of cities. She loves reading, writing, dancing and hanging out. In short a fun-loving person who wants to see the God created world.


  1. yamuna balamurugan on

    hi anjana

    I really agree wit ur article
    as I become pregnant very soon after second month of my marriage I was really feed up
    but months pass by I was very happy fr it got all the pampering from family n friends ,
    and each and ever kick was ….. oh my god cant express that feeling . still it is continued by each n every step she keeps.

    • Hey Yamuna, I can understand ur situation. It is little alarming to get pregnant in the 2nd month of marriage but it is all God’s plan and your little one was destined to come. My sister-in-law had gone through the same phase but like she was fine when she heartily accepted God’s blessing and she is leading a blissful life.

  2. Hi Anjana,
    I was unknowingly enjoying the above 10 benefits till now. This write up helped me to realize them. Thanks a lot !! Keep writing 🙂

  3. How can these be “only a MOTHER can tell”…. things. I guess the Fathers to have the same kind of experiences… Especially the #9th one.. Stress busters, this is largely experienced by the fathers when they come home after a tiring day at work.

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